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Luther's Small Catechism

Luther's Small Catechism


The Small Catechism was written by Martin Luther in 1959 and published for the purpose of training persons in the Christian faith. There are six main topics including: the Apostles’ Creed (statement of faith), Confession (and Abolution), the Lord's Prayer (Our Father), the Sacraments of the Altar (Communion) and Holy Baptism, and the Ten Commandments. It goes on to explain the reasons and purposes behind each of these items.


Also included are prayers, duties of Chistians and an explanation of the Office of the Keys. The Office of the Keys is the authority to forgive sins of those who repent and deny it to those who do not repent. Overall, Luther's Small Catechism is a summation of what Lutherans believe and why. The Small Catechism used in the conjunction with the Holy Bible is a great training tool and is extensively employed in confirmation.


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